- Intellectual Property January 9-29, 2008 -- SCoPE seminar with Dan McGuire from Simon Fraser University.
- TALO Connections Conference 2008 January 16-24, 2008 -- Organized by the people at Teach and Learn Online
- Long Live the Platform January 14-February 1, 2008 -- Organized by CPSquare members $150 (Or better yet, just become a CPSquare member for the same price, or less depending on your circumstances.) We will explore several community platforms together, looking at the software through the eyes of the community. I will be the "platform spokesperson" for Moodle.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Great events in January
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Top Ten Grammar Errors that Haunt Web Pages
Also, see her Resources for Writers site.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The conversation in the airport
Yesterday morning I caught a 5:55 a.m. flight out of Kamloops to head to Vancouver for a meeting. In the switchback security queue I was surrounded by sleep-deprived people. Our pillow-creased faces became the common thread to strike up a conversation. The man in front of me had that familiar fish hook neck angle while he punched keys on his Blackberry with 2 thumbs. He wasn't even aware of the huge gap forming between his spot in line and the next person.
One woman was traveling with 2 huge empty suitcases in hopes that she could fit in some holiday shopping while on a business trip to Seattle. She was chatting with a colleague about their impossible workload, trying to keep up with office work while on the road, and missing time with her kids. I noticed that she was holding a Blackberry in her spare hand so I asked, innocently, "Have you found that your Blackberry helps?
The gap in front of fish hook man continued to grow.
Ignatia Webs: What I learned about learning in 2007
This response from Ignatia Webs: What I learned about learning in 2007 includes the SCoPE seminar discussions in her list:
"I learned a lot by jumping into social media: twitter, etcetera, but most by attending online seminars and groups: CLTI, SCOPe and internettime group to name three strong ones."
Sunday, December 9, 2007
How to Add a Shortcut Icon to Your Web Page Bookmark
- From Microsoft
- From HTML Goodies
- Favicon.com has an image editor applet with which you can make your own icons.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
E-Learning Today.com
Online Workshop for Colombia Educators
We started with an asynchronous discussion. This gave participants an opportunity to give some background on their work and ask some questions about SCoPE. We then had a synchronous conversation moderated by Alvaro Galvis. Alvaro kindly made the recording available on esnips.
It was a great experience. For one I was in the company of terrific people! It was also fascinating to watch how they managed to bridge the language gap. There was a constant flurry of activity around transcribing and translating, and their facilitation was outstanding. Alvaro gave me a virtual tour of the RVT Moodle site ahead of time which was very helpful for getting my bearings. They've done some interesting customization to Moodle to make the site more like a community and less like a course management system.
This invitation also gave me a nudge to organize documentation around SCoPE's history. There are many bits and pieces to pull together, but I have a start here: http://scope.pbwiki.com/
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Web Developer Toolbar
"It adds a toolbar to your browser that gives you all kinds of control of cookies, CSS, forms, images, page and code source, etc. You can have it outline areas of CSS, tables and such on your page to help figure out how it was constructed. It will display all sorts of info such as HTML items, JAVA, links, META data, etc. You can disable CSS on a page to see what it looks like without the styling. It has validators for CSS, HTML and links. You can view the CSS split screen with the actual page to see how things are defined (both linked and embedded css). There are three little icons on the right side of the toolbar that give you a quick visual on whether the page you're viewing is standards compliant, has CSS errors or JavaScript errors. The list goes on and on. Take a look... can't beat the price!"
CSS Resources
- First, here's a link to my own CSS resources page
- CSS Vault: A site of resource links to inspiring websites done entirely with CSS. The site also has a blog that covers CSS topics, tips, tricks, ideas, etc.
- CSS Beauty: "A project focused on providing its audience with a database of well designed CSS based websites from around the world. Its purpose is to showcase designers' work and to act as a small portal to the CSS design community."
- Position Is Everything: "We're Big John & Holly Bergebin, and together we built this site to explain some obtuse CSS bugs in modern browsers, provide demo examples of interesting CSS behaviors, and show how to 'make it work' without using tables for layout purposes."
- CSS Edge: "The goal here is to find ways to make CSS live up to its fullest potential with only minimal regard to browser limitations."
- CSS Quick Reference Guide: A list of properties all on one page includes "only the CSS features that work in most browsers.
Later: An addition to the list:
- W3Schools CSS "try it" examples page: Enter your text and try out CSS properties, see the results instantly on their page. My online instructor says, "I STRONGLY recommend spending some time playing with the "try it" here. You can see immediate results from the changes that you make in the css to really fine tune your learning experience."
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Webpage designers - COLOR helpers
Website Color Picker: "...will help you evaluate color combinations quickly and easily. It works equally well on MacOS or Windows. ...You can experiment with different colors for BGCOLOR, TEXT color, LINK color and VLINK color. ...click a color swatch in the appropriate section of the left window and see the color applied immediately to the chosen attribute in the right window."
Color Blender: Another visual color-code-producing site. This one lets you select 2 colors from color swatches, then blend the two in however many steps you specify. It's a Creative Commons share site, so you can copy the source code to have the Color Blender page handy on your own hard drive.
Color Schemer / Design in Harmony: My recent LVSOnline teacher says, "This is one of my favorites. You can use it on the web for free and you download any of the hundreds of color schemes posted there. The software available for purchase is really nice in terms of flexibility and power. It has a 15 day free trial."
Monday, November 12, 2007
Teaching With Technology Tutorials
Integrating Technology | Scholastic.com
CSS Type.com
Friday, November 2, 2007
ETUG 2007 Fall workshop
Gina Bennett, ETUG Steering Committee chair, gave an interesting presentation that forced everyone to think back to the pre WWW days. It was a great example of interactive presentation. I'll see if I can get my hands on it.
Steve Dotto was, as always, very entertaining. He pointed out that what can technology do for us is pretty obvious. But what will it do TO us? He told a story about fishing for trout at Dragon Lake, and being able to take some time out from catching to the big biologically enhanced trout to do a quick web conference with some folks in the east. It was a nice illustration how it's really about how we decide to allow it to change our lives. If he didn't have the blackberry would be sitting at the office instead of fishing.
Steve also asked: Are social networking tools making a difference? Don't look at statistics, look at diversity and the numbers for what they are. YouTube for example has HUGE numbers of people sharing work. That has to be good.
He also told us that if we didn't have a Facebook account we should get one. So I took that as a cue to create an ETUG group in Facebook, to see how it might help us to stay connected.
John Maxwell from Simon Fraser University did an excellent presentation: Wiki: Software for Communities of Inquiry. His main take home message is that this form of publishing places less emphasis on content and more on participation.
If I didn't spend so much time yakking at ETUG I probably would have taken more notes!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Respondus Test Bank Network
Moodle Test Question Importer by Respondus
Create iPod Quiz files with StudyMate or Respondus
Friday, October 26, 2007
SpokenText - Free online text to speech converter
"Our goal is to make the conversion of text to speech as simple as possible and in so doing make it accessible to everyone. The vast majority of the technology we use in our daily lives are way too complicated and overwhelms us with unneeded options and features. To this end we focused on providing a quick and simple way to convert your text content into spoken audio, for listening to on an iPod or your computer."
EduGarage: for Blackboard Developers
McCord Museum of Canadian History
"The McCord Museum conserves and presents over 1,375,000 objects, images and manuscripts, all irreplaceable reflections of the social history and material culture of Montreal, Quebec and Canada. These myriad items – glass negatives, hoop crinolines, pieces of fine china, hand-forged tools, beaded headdresses, historical letters and documents – represent the lives and dreams of the men, women and children that came before us. They are words and actions brought to life, witnesses of our collective memory."Explore the museum using categories like Collections, Artists, Objects, Time Periods, Geocultural Areas, Geocultural Map, Thematic Tours, etc.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Free Math Help.com
Learning Objects - The World Has Become Our Repository
"Much like the "most famous scream in Hollywood", there exists a plethora of educational content (much already digitized) that is just as effective in its reuse as it was in its first use. Wherein many original issues surrounding the implementation of learning objects centered on the practicality of creating and maintaining a centralized repository, it appears that Google has provided our much needed, neatly indexed repository: the world wide web itself."
Educational Uses of Second Life
Why use technology in the English classroom?
"...using technology to teach English. Why would I do that? Well, why do cowboys sing?"
"For generations, educators have labored toward the goal of bringing young people to basic literacy, giving them the power to encode and decode written language. ...But today basic literacy isn’t enough."
"Lots of kids are already their own publishers, posting whatever they want on My Space."
"English teachers should be excited by the prospect of a culture of writing consisting of more than a few “stars” and the bestseller lists."
"Whenever possible, school work should be real work. ...Great writers have always known that everyday life is the source of powerful writing."
"This is a good time to recommit to being not primarily consumers of commercial culture but also producers of our own culture, our own literature about the places and lives that we know. And if we do it with our students, we’ll find all sorts of intractable problems won’t need to be solved. They’ll just dissolve. Besides, it’s a great adventure. It’s also a necessity."
"Technology has enormous potential to make missing class less disruptive both for students and for teachers. Actually, it’s not potential. Everything we need now exists. Learning how to use it and getting districts to spend the money is another thing."
Google Notebook Browser Extension
- Clip and collect information as you surf the web.
- Stay in your browser window.
- Organize your notes from the web page you're on.
"Fair Dealing" (Commonwealth copyright info): This wikipedia entry is a starting point if you're at all confused about copyright guidelines. "Fair dealing is an enumerated set of possible defenses against an action for infringement of an exclusive right of copyright."
"Fair Use" (like the above, unique to the U.S.A.): (wikipedia entry) "A doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test."
The Copyright Website: "Welcome to the Internet's first and premiere Copyright Registration and Information Resource. The Copyright Website strives to lubricate the machinations of information delivery by providing transparency to a particularly opaque and obtuse area of intellectual property. Whether you want to protect your own work, or check out the legal hijinks of the movie, recording and software industries, you've come to the right place!"

The Cost of Copyright Confusion for Media Literacy: Confused about copyright for education purposes? Check out this article/report.
If you need more, please visit my resource site's page of links about copyright.
"Dapper is a free, web-based service that enables users to easily create an interactive feed from any website for consumption on any platform: RSS reader, iGoogle, enterprise mashup, mobile phone, etc. Users can make a dynamic feed (API) that changes based on user input for any website. With Dapper, anyone can create RSS feeds, universally embeddable widgets, and XML (among other formats) for any website." [from Answers.com]See this short demo video that illustrates how easy it is to make a "Dapp".
Dapper Facebook AppMaker:
"Turn any website into a Facebook application -- no programming required!" "Use your own header, footer, background styling — really make it yours — and with absolutely no programming. If you can make a Dapp, you can make a Facebook app."
150 Resources to Help You Write Better, Faster, and More Persuasively
"...focus on places where you can conduct research, software that is free and easy to use, and services that will remove that "extra work" monkey from your back....This list focuses solely on those tools that can make your writing life easier."Their categories are: Almanacs; Business and Legal Matters; Citation Styles; Dictionaries; English Language Skills; Genres; News Digests; New Media Resources; Organization; Professional Organizations; Rhetoric; Toolboxes; Writing Services; Writing Skills; Writing Software.
Friday, October 19, 2007
"'Netiquette' is network etiquette, the do's and don'ts of online communication. Netiquette covers both common courtesy online and the informal 'rules of the road' of cyberspace. This page provides links to both summary and detail information about Netiquette for your browsing pleasure."
Monday, October 8, 2007
bFree Blackboard Course Content Extractor
"With bFree you can Open a Blackboard™ archive to browse and preview the course materials; Search for words in titles, descriptions, wikis, forums, and file names; Preview content items automatically; Extract selected materials as an independent web site that mimics the original course; Extract selected materials as plain files and folders. The extracted web site can be put on a web server or even loaded into another online learning system."
Friday, October 5, 2007
LMS Satisfaction Features & Barriers
CBC Archives
"On this Website you'll find a selection of radio and television clips from the Archives of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Some of these files have rested quietly at the bottom of our vaults for more than 60 years and are, for the first time, now accessible to the general public."A section for Teachers, with grade level lesson plans to complement topics on the website. Podcasts. Archives timeline. Index of topics, index of clips, index of interviews. Topic-based sections of the site (e.g. people; war; arts & entertainment; politics & economy; etc.).
"All educational materials are free to use within the framework of educational, non-commercial use. Copyright restrictions dictate that clips cannot be downloaded."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Educational Uses for Google Earth
"Teachers and students should be aware that Google Earth is a great tool for education. And, it's not just about geography. Google Earth has been used by educators in many subjects including: science, literature, history, cartography, GIS, and more. Check out some examples like: Places quoted by Shakespeare or the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
For Google-created resources, teachers should visit our Google Earth for Educators site, or check out some Sky lesson ideas. For some ideas from our users, see the JuicyGeography blog by Noel Jenkins in the UK, or a summary by Frank Taylor at the Google Earth Blog."
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Webinar: Podcasting Xtreme
"When we talk about "extreme" podcasting, we're not just talking about cutting-edge tools. Rather, we're trying to help people take their podcasting to the next level by delving more deeply into the design process of producing an effective, educational podcast. How? Primarily by taking an instructional design approach, and analyzing information needs and audiences to determine if podcasting is the right match with your instructional needs. During our Webinar we also discussed current trends; how to incorporate music and other elements of commercial podcasts; hardware and software needs; and ideas about distribution - all with the goal of helping you create a more creative and engaging final podcast."[They provide the link to the the archived recording of the Webinar; click this post's title.]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Text to Speech Software
Just as an update, this week's WinXP News says: "TextAloud is the world's leading text-to-speech program, available now with optional AT&T Natural Voices for the best in computer speech. TextAloud uses voice synthesis to convert text into spoken audio. Listen to text from email, web pages and documents on your PC or create MP3 or WMA files for use on portable devices like iPods, PocketPCs, and CD players. Imagine being free to relax, get up and stretch, or work on other things while the information you need is read to you in a pleasant, natural sounding human voice. Better still, leave your computer behind. TextAloud can save your daily reading to audio files for your portable player."
NextUp.com, makers of the above software, offers several other tools for text-to-speech.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Moodle Playpen
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Online Education Glossary sites
eLearning Glossary from WorldWide Learn
ELearning Glossaries from EdTechPost
eLearning Glossary from eLearning Guru
Some readings about Online Learning
Theories of and for Online Learning: "We see changes in teaching and learning emerging from the nexus of a changing landscape of information and communication technologies... We see the need for, and the emergence of, new theories and models of and for the online learning environment, addressing learning in its ICT context, considering both formal and informal learning, individual and community learning, and new practices arising from technology use in the service of learning. This paper presents six theoretical perspectives on learning in ICT contexts, and is an invitation to others to bring theoretical models to the fore to enhance our understanding of new learning contexts."
Friday, September 7, 2007
File Extensions
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Firefox Extension for Ask Dr. C Search Engine
Monday, September 3, 2007
"A network of students, educators, and professionals working together to foster video production and internet publishing in a safe online learning environment. SchoolTube gives you the ability to safely upload your video onto the internet to share with other educators or students. All SchoolTube videos have been moderated or teacher approved for viewing. Our high standards are based on the STN Code of Ethics."
Theories and models of and for online learning
"For many years, discussion of online learning...has been pre-occupied with the practice of teaching online and the debate about whether being online is ‘as good as’ being offline. ...We see the need for, and the emergence of, new theories and models of and for the online learning environment, addressing learning in its ICT context, considering both formal and informal learning, individual and community learning, and new practices arising from technology use in the service of learning. This paper presents six theoretical perspectives on learning in ICT contexts."
Pedagogical Templates for E-Learning
eXe : eLearning XHTML editor
"The eXe project is developing a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. eXe can export content as self-contained web pages or as SCORM 1.2 or IMS Content Packages."Watch the video intro on YouTube.
Grammar Grater: PODCASTS
"...a weekly podcast about English words, grammar and usage for the Information Age. Because we live in a time of e-mail, blogs, instant messaging, even online product reviews—everybody's a writer. And with the global nature of communication, there's not a single style guide everyone uses. To help sort through some of the confusion, host Luke Taylor and the Grammatis Personae Players (Cory Busse and Amy Ault) take linguistic bugbears and put 'em through the Grammar Grater."
Grammar Girl: PODCASTS
Google Maps ~ Embedding in webpages:
How do you do this? When you look at their sign-up site, it seems more complicated than it is. Here's the simple version:
First, you have to sign up and get a "Maps API key". Keep track of that key somewhere.It gives you permission to embed any Google Map in a webpage. (Sign-up is quick. You need one key per website you use.)
How to embed a map:
1. Navigate to the location you want to show on Google Map.
2. On the top right corner of the map, there is a [link to this page]. Click it to get a snippet of HTML. From there you can use "customize" if you want to select a map size. (Default size is shown in my example below.)
3. Copy and paste the HTML code to your web page.Easy, right? You can also go beyond basics to add a number of features: define areas, add text, add links, add controls, pop-up info/event windows, overlays, driving directions, and more. Google supplies "mapplet" codes for these. The maps do NOT include advertising at this time. (Google will give 90 days notice if they change this policy.)
Here's an example (the place I work, Columbia Square Adult Learning Centre):
Thursday, August 30, 2007
20 Ideas for a Great Podcast
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Podcasting Essentials Library
My title link is to the Bravo! homepage. Each month is a new theme/topic; this it's month PODCASTING. There are discussion forums, a Podcasting Library forum, and 2 upcoming webinars about Podcasting -- one for beginners and a second webinar for those who already know what they're doing in terms of podcasting.
AVATAR: Great Idea for a Podcast for an Online Course
"I’ve been podcasting for a few years now, but I wouldn’t say that my podcasts have been big hits with my students. To be honest, most don’t bother to listen. ...I’ve been tossing some ideas around to make my podcasts more interesting and useful to students. One idea that I came up with is creating an avatar for my online courses that will deliver short podcasts to students. The podcasts will include daily updates, writing and research tips, and general motivation."
Thursday, August 23, 2007
How to use Second Life for education
"The goal of designers of instruction is to design environments, experiences and instruction that is realistic, efficient and effective...3D worlds offer some of these advantages. Let's not have the learning and development folks be the last ones to miss out on this new direction in learning. See some examples of how to use Second Life for education in this video created by some of the students in my Learning in 3D Class."
Research and Guidelines on Online Social - and Educational - Networking
Portfolio Assignments in Teacher Education: A Tool For Self-regulating the Learning Process?
"This study examines the effects of a portfolio programme on self-regulation – and thus among third year students of teacher education training to be secondary school teachers. ... The study indicates a significant increase in self-regulation. The portfolio programme therefore improves students’ capacity to go through their learning process independently ...The comparison of the students’ own opinions with those of the portfolio supervisors also reveals the weak links in the self-regulation cycle. Students have difficulty evaluating and re-orientating their learning process. It also appears that students do not set and/or implement new objectives themselves, which means that they cannot regulate their own learning process on a completely independent basis because they have not thoroughly mastered all the components of the self-regulation cycle."[Quote is from the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning]
for Blackboard users
Blackboard For Dummies: A book (at Amazon.com) for Blackboard Learning System 7.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Vocational Elearning
"Effective Vocational Education and Training is considered crucial to industrial efficiency and economic productivity. To prepare learners for employment in today's technically-charged working environment, elearning strategies are proving successful in supplementing face-to-face mentorship with rich high-quality content, a variety of online networking venues, and flexible access to a range of remote learning environments. In this edition of WWWTools for Education, we consider vocational education and the role of modern ICTs in its delivery."
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Video: Social Networking in Plain English | Common Craft - Video Production and Consulting
Click on the video image to play.
Friday, August 10, 2007
All Words.com
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Web standards checklist
"The term web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is 'table-free sites', for others it is 'using valid code'. However, web standards are much broader than that. A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc). In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly. This is not an uber-checklist. It is simply a guide that can be used..."
A Roadmap to Standards (for website design)
Developing With Web Standards
5 ways to optimize your design
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Women Edubloggers
Friday, July 27, 2007
Random Walk in Learning: Boundary Characteristics of Game, Simulation, Drama & Role play Learning - Early draft
"Game as a structured or semi-structured activity is becoming more and more attractive to educators as a learning environment. ... Many teachers/facilitators have recognised the existence of an "environment" while using these techniques. Frequently, and correctly, teachers and facilitators put great emphasis on the rituals in entering and existing ... "game environment". ... This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the environment based on the anecdotal evidences gathered by the authors."
- Job profiles (as the site's name indicates):
- Guidance for Choosing a Career: A list of some excellent career-specific articles
- Information for students: "Helpful and humorous guides for college students of all ages."
- How to write a killer resume - 50 resources: Just ONE of the great resources in their Library section
- Online Schools: with full descriptions of where they are located, what they offer, etc.
- Online Degrees: An extensive list of degrees with descriptions that tell you what you'd study and what the degree is useful for
- Online Programs: The same kind of information as above for Degrees, this section describes many Programs listed by topic/subject.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Instructional Design & how to create QUALITY courses
- The title above is a link to a discussion on this topic at the Ask Dr.C Forums (acknowledgement: some of the following links are from that discussion
- Document Preparation for Online Courses: (a little course -- free to use)
- Ten Advanced Instructional Design Tips
- Instructional Design Tips for online instruction
- Instructional Design Tips
- Instructional Design for Online Learning
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Visualizing the SCoPE community site
Originally uploaded by Webbed Feat
I ran http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca through the websites as graphs applet. I'm alarmed by the number of tables! Because of Moodle? In any case, it's interesting to imagine what all the clusters are in the community.
Monday, July 2, 2007
ASL American Sign Language
Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary
"Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. It's a dictionary! It's a thesaurus! Great for writers, journalists, students, teachers, and artists."
Hacking Knowledge
- Quotations: click for Grocott's Alpha list or Grocott's Thematic list.
- Roget's Thesaurus
- Soule's Synonyms
- Oscar Wilde biography/links
- Actually, their whole Reference section
Study Guides and Strategies
"The Study Guides and Strategies web site is authored, maintained and supported by Joe Landsberger as an independent educational public service. Collaborative projects are developed across institutional, cultural and national boundaries. I resist advertising, registration, and distracting graphics or features that may interfere with maximizing learner access."
Printable Worksheets
Friday, June 29, 2007
edu 2.0: welcome to the future of education
Video Toolbox: 150+ Online Video Tools and Resources
"This is a huge list of online video resources, including tools that support live video communications, online video how-tos, online video editors, video converters, video sharing sites, video hosting sites, video management, vidcat and vlogging tools, video mashup tools, mobile video, video search, video downloading services, and online television. Phew!"
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Open Second Life
"...are attempting to "reverse engineer" the Second Life server code, making it possible for anyone to set up and operate their own Second Life Virtual World. Open Second Life will use existing Second Life clients (which are a free download from the original Linden Labs/Second Life web site). While this project is still in the formative stages, it does provide hope to DE schools, teachers and others who want to utilize the educational research being generated by Post Secondary educators who use Second Life, to create more engaging learning experiences for their K-12 students but, in a more controlled setting."
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Canada must “unlock potential” in adult learning
Presentation: Digital Game-Based Learning
The Ten Most Common Photographic Mistakes
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Factors Motivating and Inhibiting Faculty in Offering Their Courses via
"...was to discover what factors may motivate faculty members at small, private colleges to adopt distance education, as well as what factors may inhibit that adoption."
Visions Shaping the Future of Online Education:Understanding its Historical Evolution, Implications, and Assumptions
"...present a historical background of online education, review its current status, and provide visions shaping its future in an attempt to understand its potential and limitations that will lead to the advancement of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Online instructors must understand the way online education has evolved over the years from previous conceptions of education and the wide array of implications and assumptions involved in the delivery of online education. Recommendations for the advancement of online education, including future research, are given."
Monday, June 18, 2007
Freebies Round-Up: Icons, Buttons and Templates
UBC Style Guides
Similar assistance for MLA can be found in their Getting Started with MLA Style page
Teaching Digital Photography?
Monday, June 11, 2007
WebAIM: Captioning for Windows Media - Getting Windows Media Captions on the Web
Friday, June 8, 2007
Wikis in Plain English
We made this video because wiki web sites are easy to use, but hard to describe. We hope to turn you on to a better way to plan a camping trip, or create the next Wikipedia
Tips On Developing A Wiki Community
Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Guide To Online Schools
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Podcast directory for educators, schools and colleges
"...the first and best UK directory to locate quality podcasts from over 390 carefully selected podcast channels for educational use - ideal for teaching and learning activities with children, young people and educational professionals. In our podcast directory, you can access educational content from over 4000 podcasts from different podcast channels."
Friday, June 1, 2007
Making iPod content interactive for education
Custom Curriculum - K12 Handhelds.com
BC Innovation Award in Education Technology

Originally uploaded by BCcampus
On May 28, 2007 Elizabeth Wallace and I received the BC Innovation Award in Education Technology for our work on the SCoPE community. We were thrilled! And it was terrific to spend some f2f time with Liz and colleagues from around the province.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Carol's Corner Office - MS Office tips and tricks
Free Computer Utility Software
IconArt -- FREE utility for creating icons
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Dave's Computer Tips
"...contains important computer news, computer security tips, software reviews, computer hardware, and software tips articles, as well as discussion about programs I find useful. ...Whether you are a geek, a computer owner, a computer user, or someone who thinks Windows are only for looking out of you will find something useful in my newsletter!"
Sunday, May 27, 2007
SLurl: Location-Based Linking in Second Life
SLurl provides direct teleport links to locations in Second Life. If you have Second Life installed, clicking on the map link will automatically teleport you to that location in-world.
Why use SLurl?
In addition to allowing customized control over mapping locations in Second Life, SLurl also provides a better experience for web users who don't have Second Life. Instead of getting an error when clicking on web links that begin with "secondlife://", visiting a SLurl link gives potential new users a chance to sign up.
Also, check out this SLurl Builder, a handy online tool to help you build your direct links to SL locations.
Reuters reports from Second Life
See this video report from CBC [note: you may be asked to install DivX to view it, but that's all Good!]. Complete with action videos taken inside Second Life, it's an excellent overview of what Second Life is growing to mean and do in our world. As a non-Second Lifer (I bet they have a word for us 'outside world' people?), I thought this video was one of the most informative I've seen so far. I've been told it costs money to "film" scenes from inside Second Life, so I guess this video is like an exclusive treat, courtey of CBC News and Reuters.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Games & Learning
Top Ten Missing Features of Second Life as an Educational Simulation Platform
"Second Life truly is a phenomenon. It is exactly what the name and vision imply: an example of a parallel 'multiverse'. People will learn much in it, as they might alternatively learn via participating on a real-world sports team, running a real-world lemonade stand, or walking around a great real-world city....Perhaps most importantly, participants learn 'to be' through expressing themselves, including building elaborate sets, and exploring alternative groups with which to interact. Meanwhile, corporations will set up shop in Second Life, as in FaceBook and MySpace, to be where the kids are in an attempt to speak their language and get some eyeballs. But when people talk about it as a platform for Educational Simulations, I am less excited. In fact, here are my list of top ten missing features from Second Life..."
Macleans.ca - NEW Education Site
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Free Language and Translation Tools
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
WebCT Tips by Dick Evans
"I have been using WebCT since the 1990's at Rhode Island College. We are currently on release 4.1, but are testing release 6. As questions arise and I find a solution, I write a White Paper for faculty reference. This blog describes some of those papers and links to them on my college Web site."
Monday, May 21, 2007
CADE presentation
Inserting the presentation from slideshare seems to pull the page elements in all directions, so here's a link instead.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Scratch - FREE application / programming language
"...a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. Scratch is designed to help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learning skills. As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the process of design. Scratch is available free of charge from the Download page. To find more about the educational ideas underlying Scratch, visit our Educators page."
Friday, May 18, 2007
Free e-Learning Tools
The tools include a WebCT Discussion Extractor, Timeline tool, Multimedia learning object authoring tool, Image annotation tool, and more.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
PowerPoint to Flash Conversion Tools
Monday, May 14, 2007
Computer Science Directory
"This directory is developed as a project to list computer science links and articles with high quality. Here you'll only find the best of the best.This directory is developed as a project to list computer science links and articles with high quality. Here you'll only find the best of the best."
Friday, May 11, 2007
Blog Law » 12 Important U.S. Laws Every Blogger Needs to Know
"...increasingly Internet activity, and particular blogging, is being shaped and governed by state and federal laws. For US bloggers in particular, blogging has become a veritable land mine of potential legal issues, and the situation isn’t helped by the fact that the law in this area is constantly in flux. In this article we highlight twelve of the most important US laws when it comes to blogging and provide some simple and straightforward tips for safely navigating them."
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Blackboard Educate / Innovate
"Educate Innovate is the Blackboard blog about the convergence of education and technology. We aim to use this as a forum to generate discussion about the topics, news, and latest trends impacting e-Learning and campus service offerings; and hope to provide insight about how technology can enable educational innovations for both."Check out Rob Shea's May 8/07 posting about Ask Dr. C.
[look for moi ;)]
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Just Free Stuff! Freebies For Teachers
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Wiki Pedagogy
Second Life Keyboard Shortcuts
Games-based Learning; a serious business application
Check out the extensive resource lists within this paper/report.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Math Videos on YouTube
> Etraffic's site for "Pilot Math"
> Several pages of other YouTube algebra videos (linking you to the search results -- try your own searches)
RSS in Plain English
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Powerpoint Learning Objects
Learning Objects - a huge collection
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Serious Games - Resource Links
Friday, April 6, 2007
Vedic Mathematics
11 X 17 (this will work for any two-digit numbers multiplied by 11)
Add the 1 and the 7 together, giving 8
Put this 8 in between the 1 and 7
Giving the answer to the sum 11 X 17 as 187!
11 X 253
Layout the sum like so:
2 / 2 + 5 / 5+ 3 / 3
Giving the answer 2783
My favorite online school, LVS Online, is teaching a class about this:
Learning by Design: Good Video Games as Learning Machines
"How do good game designers manage to get new players to learn long, complex, and difficult games? The answer, I believe, is this: the designers of many good games have hit on profoundly good methods of getting people to learn and to enjoy learning. They have had to, since games that were bad at get themselves learned didn’t get played and the companies that made them lost money. Furthermore, it turns out that these learning methods are similar in many respects to cutting-edge principles being discovered in research on human learning."
Student Self Directed Learning
Technology in Schools: What Does The Research Say?
"Overall, across all uses in all content areas, technology does provide a small, but significant, increase in learning when implemented with fidelity. While this statistic is encouraging, the real value to research lies in the identification of those technology interventions that get sufficiently positive results to warrant the investment. Most educators are looking for the value proposition that will significantly advance learning, teaching, and school system efficiencies. Taking advantage of these leverage points requires serious review of specific research studies that specifically address the needs and challenges of specific schools and serious attention paid to leadership development, professional development for teachers, school culture, curricular redesign, and teacher preparation.
"The reader should be cautioned that, although single studies with positive results are encouraging, such results could not be generalizedbeyond specific student populations and contexts within the studies. Educators are encouraged to pilot such solutions and research the effect locally prior to full-scale implementation."
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Karen’s Mashups - K12 podcast compilation
This podcast features mashups (compilations) of short excerpts from podcasts and other digital content of potential interest to the educational community. It is intended to give you a taste of a various podcasts that you might want to explore further. Most shows will have a theme, such as math, science, student productions, professional development, museum productions, or technology news. Some shows will be focused on podcasts for administrators and teachers, while other shows will highlight podcasts for students or parents. The show is produced and hosted by Karen Fasimpaur of K12 Handhelds. On this web site, we will include links to the web sites for each of the shows included in the episode, along with brief notes on the nature of the content included.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Windows Vista - what works and what doesn't
Sunday, April 1, 2007
History Education - Trends and Issues 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
FlashMeeting - Webconferencing Software
"FlashMeeting is an application based on the Adobe Flash 'plug in' and Flash Media Server. Running in a standard web browser window, it allows a dispersed group of people to meet from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. ...During the meeting one person speaks (i.e. broadcasts) at a time. Other people can simultaneously contribute using text chat, the whiteboard, or emoticons etc. while waiting for their turn to speak. ...A replay of the meeting is instantly available, to those with the 'unique' replay url."Read this review by somebody who's used FlashMeeting for a year now.
Creating ePortfolios with Web 2.0 Tools
Friday, March 23, 2007
Visual Calculator™
Second Life VOICE to launch by June
"Linden Lab said on Tuesday it will launch integrated voice capabilities within the next several months, including effects to prevent a cacophony of overlapping voices. ...Introducing voice could expose the broadening language gap in Second Life, where more than half of users now speak a first language other than English. Also, some in Second Life have argued that integrating voice could break the “magic circle” that makes the world so convincing, by pairing real voices with virtual avatars."Also check out Second Talk, which is in beta right now.... something to use in the meantime until the above completely integrated voice talk is ready to use in June. Second Talk is a "free, easy-to-use voice chat to Second Life." Kind of funny -- your avatar goes to a kiosk and gets a headset to wear.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
101 Fun and Relevant Ways to Use Spreadsheets in K - 12 Classrooms
Friday, March 9, 2007
The Phrase Finder
Friday, March 2, 2007
Alcwin.org - resource site
How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly
How do I embed sound and music in a page?
RegEx for Math
Here's one of them: RegEx Side. Says the site's author: "Regular Expressions are a necessary evil. So necessary they are, that they could be considered good." See his recent posting, Regex Cheat Sheet.
YouTube For Educators
WAVE Accessibility Validator
How to search Google Educational Videos
Infinite Thinking Machine
Setting up a vodpod - for video
Edublogs tutorials
Learning in Immersive Worlds: a review of game based learning
"[The report], authored by Sara de Freitas, scopes out the current use of games for learning in UK HE and post-16 education and has been produced to inform practitioners who are considering using games and simulations in their practice.
The report includes:
. a review of the literature
. a series of case studies from practice to illustrate the range of uses of games
. synthesises the key issues and themes arising from learning in immersive worlds."
Monday, February 19, 2007
Scholar - academic social bookmarking
"Blackboard Scholar® is a social bookmarking service customized for education. It provides an exciting new way for students and instructors to find educationally valuable resources on the Web. Using the knowledge and power of our network of educational users, Scholar makes it easier for instructors and students to find relevant resources on the Internet for courses and research. Furthermore, by storing and sharing associated information with each resource such as tags, disciplines, other users who have tagged and more, Scholar allows users to evaluate the resources and find the most relevant and reliable. And it is directly integrated within the Blackboard Learning System(TM) - Enterprise, Vista, and CE Licenses, providing easy access right within the course environment."
OER Commons - Open Educational Resources
Peterson's - a very helpful website for students
Many other tools available on the site -- search for colleges by discipline; get advice about choosing a college or about campus life; lots of help for new college students; help with preparing for tests --filtered by specific existing test types; excellent last minute study tips for various types of tests; and MUCH MORE!
Friday, February 9, 2007
Distance Learning Moves Into 'Second Life' Virtual Classroom
"Paul Fishwick, a computer science and engineering professor, is teaching one of at least two classes offered at UF this semester largely in cyberspace — specifically, the trendy three-dimensional online world called Second Life. There, Fishwick’s 'avatar', the character that represents each player in Second Life, leads discussions among some 30 other avatars controlled by upper-level UF undergraduate and graduate students in CAP 4403/CAP 6402, Aesthetic Computing.
With distance learning decades old, classes on computer are nothing new. But Second Life, which has more than 2 million users worldwide, opens a wealth of fresh possibilities, one educators nationwide are increasingly experimenting with."
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Curriki ~ Global Education & Learning Community
"The Curriki Community is comprised of thousands of people like you who want to create and use high-quality educational resources. ...Our mission is to improve education around the world by empowering teachers, students and parents with user-created, open source curricula, and it's all free!"
Monday, February 5, 2007
Embedded Media HTML Generator
Accessibility Information & Resources
Instructional Scenarios Wiki for WebCT Vista
"This site is designed and maintained by the Teaching Technology Services group of Instructional Multimedia Services of McGill University. This wiki describes how to use WebCT Vista to do complex instructional tasks using multiple tools. We (the Teaching Technology Services staff) built this wiki to explore the potential of the technology and to experiment with collaborative group work. These instructional scenarios are meant as a complement to the WebCT Vista manuals and do not duplicate any information from them. "
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Video Blogging Resources
- The Video Blog Handbook - a community project for documenting tips and tricks
- Node 101 - an educational resource aimed at teaching people how to video blog
- Freevlog - a multi-lingual how-to on video blogging
- How to video blog with Blogger - A tutorial on video blogging with Blogger and QuickTime
DropShots: A Free sonline video host -- "family friendly photo & video sharing service". s"We support MPG, AVI, MOV, WMV, and 3GP from all major digital cameras. You just drag and drop the video to our application and we resize, transcode, upload, and host your video. We use the Flash plug-in to stream the video, which is already installed in over 98% of browsers and has a 1-click install process. This makes video easy to post and easy to view."
Zippy Videos: "Your media sharing community." Free host for an unlimited number of videos up to 100mb each. You can create your own URL on the site for sharing videos.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Think.com - An Online Community for Learning
Friday, January 26, 2007
EduNation - Second Life in Education
My Second Life - An Educator's comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Distance Learning Programs
With so many online universities to choose from and so many online college degree programs, we felt there needed to be a top-notch, easy to use free online resource to help people learn about these distance learning programs and to get more information from the ones that they are interested in.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The OWL at Purdue
The Writing Process; Professional, Technical, and Scientific Writing; Job Search Writing; General Academic Writing; Research & Citation; ESL; Literary Analysis & Criticism; Writing in the Social Sciences; Writing in Engineering; Creative Writing; Teaching Writing.
-- and each one has many sub-menu items. I can't describe it; you'll just have to check it out for yourself!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Learning with Handheld Technologies
- planning and implementation
- outreach
- professional development
- technology provision and support
- teaching & learning