Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Educating for Internationalization: A Web Tour

I was invited to speak at the Douglas College Symposium on Teaching and Learning. The theme was internationalization so I took them on a web tour to showcase all the local work we are doing.

Educating for Internationalization: A Web Tour
Douglas College Symposium on Teaching and Learning
August 31, 2010

The path of the Culturally Diverse Learners project

  1. BCcampus Online Program Development Fund (OPDF)
  2. Shareable Online Learning Resources (SOL*R)
  3. Creative Commons License
  4. OPEN search (direct link)
  5. SCoPE Seminar
  6. Sample thread
  7. View the videos
  8. Example online (D.I.E.) activity: Tell me something about this picture

SCoPE participation

Activities to showcase and understand international work

Activities designed to gain international perspective on local work

Find and Share Resources

Develop Online Courses/Resources + Professional Development Resources

Shared Experiences by BC Educators

Research at BC Institutions

Find People by Shared Interest

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MicroSCoPE: August 2010 Issue

(This is cross-posted in the SCoPE community )

MicroSCoPE: A Close Look at What's Happening in the SCoPE Community
August, 2010

In This Issue
1. Quarterly Field Trip: Visiting Healthy Minds / Healthy Campuses
2. Reflections and Next Steps
3. Humanizing the Online Experience - Part 2
4. Mark Your Calendars
5. Activity Recap
6. Recent Publications by SCoPE Facilitators
7. Collaborating Partnerships
8. PeriSCoPE
9. About SCoPE
10. About MicroSCoPE

1. Quarterly Field Trip: Visiting Healthy Minds / Healthy Campuses
Web conference August 18, 2010 11 - 12:00 PDT, 18:00 GMT
This quarterly excursion will be to the Healthy Minds / Healthy Campuses, a community of practice to promote campus mental health in British Columbia. Host and community steward Jonny Morris will guide through the community environment and we'll leave plenty of times to talk about successes and challenges. Field Trips - visits to living communities - are organized in collaboration with CPSquare, the community of practice on communities of practice.

2. Reflections and Next Steps
August 23 - 31, 2010
Facilitator: Sylvia Currie

We'll launch the academic year with our annual gathering for SCoPE members to reflect and plan for the future. Your input is important!

3. Humanizing the Online Experience Part 2
September 13 - 30, 2010
Web Conferences each Monday: September 13, 20, 27 at 18:00 GMT
Facilitator: Jesai Jayhmes

During Part 1 of the Humanizing the Online Experience series we explored a variety of synchronous communication platforms and strategies for making real-time sessions engaging and interactive. We also tried our hand at creating videos and practiced speaking to the camera. Expect to roll up your sleeves during Part 2 in this series as we continue the exploration!

4. Mark Your Calendars
*Educational Uses of iPads, facilitated by Brent Lee: October 18 - 29, 2010
Check upcoming seminars for updates to the seminar schedule.

5. Activity Recap
* In our May/June ePortfolio seminar Catherine Paul and Roselynn Verwoord introduced us to University of British Columbia's Portfolio Community of Practice and encouraged seminar participants to share their experiences with portfolio projects of all types. Resources were gathered into a wiki.
* In the June/July Shared Thinking seminar Nicholas Bowskill challenged us with the question: How can we make group thinking visible, and what is the value for learning, reflection, and community participation? We were also introduced to the Shared Thinking research and development work through University of Glasgow.

Past SCoPE seminar discussions are always available for reading and afterthoughts.

6. Recent Publications by SCoPE Facilitators
* Michael Griffith, facilitator of the 2007 SCoPE seminar Blogging to Enhance Learning Experiences, co-authored a chapter Empowering Adult Learners through Blog: An Australian Case Study for the 2010 book Adult Learning in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Online Technologies and Outcomes.
* Janet Salmon's book "Online Interviews in Real Time" was reviewed in the latest edition of eLearn Magazine. Janet's 2010 SCoPE seminar featuring this book was Guiding the E-Researcher.
* Alvaro Galvis, case presenter for the 2009 seminar Exploring Networks of Communities, published Establishing a PLACE for Teaching Technologies.
* John Smith, facilitator of Exploring Networks of Communities and the Quarterly Field Trips, and Nancy White, facilitator of Informal Learning, co-authored Digital Habitats, Stewarding Technology for Communities with Etienne Wenger

7. Collaborating Partnerships
SCoPE forms collaborating partnerships with many organizations to implement and promote community activities and products. Our latest partnerships include CoroWare and Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning.

8. PeriSCoPE
* A SCoPE case study focusing on community enablers by Barbara Berry is featured in the University of Birmingham resource: Communities of Practice in Higher Education, along with a video where Sylvia Currie talks about how the community has developed since that case study.

*The latest issue of Transformative Dialogues is a special issue dedicated to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
* The CPsquare Seeding 2.0 conference begins this week. To participate simply become a community member.
* The next WikiEducator Learning4Content workshop begins August 25, 2010
* In Education a peer-reviewed, open access journal, is looking for quality papers for consideration for the Spring 2011 issue.
* The next CIDER Session is Learning Issues for Online Graduate Students, September 8, 2010. CIDER sessions are targeted at distance education researchers, graduate students, and practitioners. Each session features an active researcher talking about their project, methodologies used, and their results.

9. About SCoPE
SCoPE brings together individuals who share an interest in educational research and practice, and offers opportunities for dialogue across disciplines, geographical borders, professions, levels of expertise, and education sectors. Our activities are facilitated by volunteers in the community, and membership is free and open to everyone.
SCoPE forms collaborating partnerships with many organizations to implement and promote community activities and products. This is a mutual exchange of support and services.
Self-register at http://scope.bccampus.ca
* Join the SCoPE group at Linkedin to connect with others who are interested in employment in education or in connecting professionally on projects, follow SCoPE on Twitter and check out the SCoPE Facebook group and page to keep in the loop.

* We gather our seminar resources in Diigo.

10. About MicroSCoPE
SCoPE members receive MicroSCoPE issues automatically. If you prefer to read MicroSCoPE on the website or via RSS, login to SCoPE and manage your subscription here:
MicroSCoPE is prepared by Sylvia Currie (scurrie@bccampus.ca).
Please spread the word about SCoPE activities. Distribute this newsletter!