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MicroSCoPE: A Close Look at What's Happening in the SCoPE Community
April, 2011
In This Issue
1. Open Learning & Open Collaboration
2. Online Conferences: Professional Developemnt for a Networked Era
3. Engaging Students in Inquiry Learning
4. Moodle 2.0 Workshop
5. Demystifying the Student Perspective
6. Quarterly Field Trip
7. Online Community Enthusiasts
8. SCoPE Improvements
9. Follow up from #LAK11
10 Cases in Online Interview Research
11. PeriSCoPE
12. About SCoPE
13. About MicroSCoPE
Open Learning & Open Collaboration
April 5, 2011, 20:30 GMT
Facilitators: Randy LaBonte
Join the 2011 Canada Moodle Moot program team for an interactive session about the upcoming conference May 1-5 online and in Edmonton, Alberta. Explore the panel topics, and find out more about what is in store for the closing plenary.
Online Conferences: Professional Development for a Networked Era
April 11-22, 2011
Web Conference: April 11 @ 17:00 GMT
Facilitators: Lynn Anderson and Terry Anderson
What contributes to the success of an online conference? How can we improve the experience for all participants? We will kick off this 2-week seminar with a 1-hour overview and discussion in Elluminate. This seminar is part of SCoPE's Professional Reading Group Series. Buy the book or download excerpts and related reading, and if you don't have time to do the background reading, join is anyway!
Engaging Students in Inquiry Learning
This seminar and video series was originally scheduled March 21 - April 8 2011. We are postponing this seminar with Neil Smith until a later date. Meanwhile, SCoPE members were keen to get started! As Nicholas Bowskill put it: "In the spirit of open education we could always examine the issue amongst ourselves".
4. Moodle 2.0 Workshop
Curious about Moodle 2.0? Plan to participate in a free, open, online workshop April 18 - May 13, with a 1-week hiatus for the Canada Moodle Moot conference. The workshop will be hosted at the
KnowMoodle Sandbox, part of the
Knowplace family of sites. More details will be posted on the sandbox site in the next week.
Demystifying the Student Perspective
April 26-29, 2011
Facilitators: Hilda Anggraeni and Diana Chan
This event is organized by students, for faculty! The first topic in this series will explore social media and educational technology. A 2-day asynchronous discussion will be followed by an interactive web conference in Elluminate, and a 1-day wrap-up discussion.
Quarterly Field Trip
For our next field trip we will visit
KM4Dev, a community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches. Field Trips are visits to living communities organized in collaboration with CPSquare, the community of practice on communities of practice. Check
the wiki for a date and time later in April.
Online Community Enthusiasts
The third annual gathering of online community enthusiasts will take place in Vancouver May 12, 2011. This year's theme is 'planning excellent community event'. Check the special interest group for details, ask questions and offer suggestions in the forum, and be sure to RSVP.
8. SCoPE Improvements
Thanks to Diana Chan and Hilda Anggraeni, our talented co-op students from Simon Fraser University, we have a new background for the
SCoPE twitter page and a
SCoPE badge for you to place on your own blog or website.
9. Follow up from #LAK11
Calling all participants in the
Learning and Knowledge Analytics course!
Your involvement in this research on the use of the Student Activity Meter is much appreciated.
10. Cases in Online Interview Research
In preparation for an upcoming book and SCoPE seminar scheduled for fall, 2011, Janet Salmons extends
this invitation to individuals who a) teach qualitative research methods, b) sever on doctoral committees, or 3) are on IRB or other review boards.
11. PeriSCoPE
* The
Flexible Learning Network (#FLNchat) hosts bi-weekly chats in Twitter to share resources and provide support to a learning community of higher education professionals. The next chat is scheduled for April 12 at 23:00 GMT.
* Registration for
Canada Moodle Moot 2010! Participate online or on location in Edmonton, Alberta.
MobiMOOC runs April 2 - May 14, 2011
* The next
CIDER Session is 'The Chinese Top Level Courses: Improving the quality of online courses in a new educational climate', April 6, 2011. CIDER sessions are targeted at distance education researchers, graduate students, and practitioners. Each session features an active researcher talking about their project, methodologies used, and their results. Are you a Distance Education Researchers interested in sharing your research? Contact Lynn Anderson,, with a brief description of your proposed presentation.
* Just published:
Special IRRODL issue on Connectivism.
* Keep up-to-date on the
OER university planning.
* The next WikiEducator
Learning4Content Online Workshop runs April 27-May 11, 2011.
* Space is available in the
2011 Graphic Facilitation Workshop located in Rossland, British Columbia, July 13-15, 2011.
12. About SCoPE
*SCoPE brings together individuals who share an interest in educational research and practice, and offers opportunities for dialogue across disciplines, geographical borders, professions, levels of expertise, and education sectors. Our activities are facilitated by volunteers in the community, and membership is free and open to everyone.
Past SCoPE seminar discussions and other open events are always available for reading and afterthoughts. We welcome requests to host or promote professional development activities related to teaching and learning.
SCoPE forms
collaborating partnerships with many organizations to implement and promote community activities and products. This is a mutual exchange of support and services.
Self-register at
Join the
SCoPE group at Linkedin to connect with others who are interested in employment in education or in connecting professionally on projects, follow
SCoPE on Twitter and check out the SCoPE
Facebook Page to keep in the loop. We gather our seminar resources
in Diigo, and maintain a
list of upcoming events in the Learn Together Collaboratory.
13. About MicroSCoPE
SCoPE members receive MicroSCoPE issues automatically. If you prefer to read MicroSCoPE on the website or via RSS, login to SCoPE and manage your subscription here:
MicroSCoPE is prepared by Sylvia Currie (
Please spread the word about SCoPE activities. Distribute this newsletter!