Wednesday, April 30, 2014

MicroSCoPE: A closer look at what's happening in SCoPE

MicroSCoPE: A closer look at what's happening in SCoPE
Still Time to Register!
Thompson Rivers University, in beautiful Kamloops, British Columbia, is the venue for the year's Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE) conference, 13 - 16 May, 2014. The theme is "Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning".
May Activities
Seminar: Qualitative Online Interviews
1 - 16 May, 2014
Facilitator: Janet Salmons
Get ready for an interactive, multi-platform online world book launch and seminar! A Tweetchat, a discussion forum, and webinars will allow for discussion and exchange about strategies for teaching online qualitative or mixed methods, designing and conducting online interview studies, e-research ethics and topics you suggest.
Join in the forum discussion and mark these dates and times for the synchronous sessions:
  • Webinar: Fair and Good? Ethics and Quality in Online Interview Research, Monday, May 5, 2014, 17:00 GMT 
  • Webinar: See, Share, Create: Visual E-Interview, Monday, May 12, 2014, 17:00 GMT 
  • Tweetchat: 5 Tips for Teaching E-Interview Methods #NSMNSS Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 14:00 GMT 
Special Interest Groups
British Columbia Deans of Arts and Sciences Programs (private)
Facilitator: Steve Eccles
A big welcome to members of this group committed to the values and practices of sharing, openness, and innovation.
Educational Technology Users Group - Let's Talk
Facilitator: Leva Lee
ETUG is grassroots group of British Columbia educators interested in teaching, learning and edtech in higher education.
PeriSCoPE - Monthly Web Conferences
About SCoPE
SCoPE brings together individuals who share an interest in educational research and practice, and offers opportunities for dialogue across disciplines, geographical borders, professions, levels of expertise, and education sectors. Our activities are facilitated by volunteers in the community, and membership is free and open to everyone.
SCoPE members receive these email updates automatically. If you prefer to read MicroSCoPE on the web or via RSS, log in and change your settings by clicking onforum administration. Professional learning events and highlights are captured via
We welcome requests to host or promote professional development activities and projects related to teaching and learning. SCoPE is supported by BCcampus. Contact: Sylvia Currie (
Please spread the word about SCoPE!

Vancouver Workshop: Deepening Your Facilitation Practice

This is a workshop I don't want to miss. Sadly, I will, because of a scheduling conflict. However, I highly recommend it to YOU. 

Photo by Alan Levine
I was first introduced to Group Works at the 2012 Gathering of Community Enthusiasts in Vancouver, British Columbia. Dave Pollard led us through an activity using the card deck. I had looked at the deck prior to that, but there's nothing like experiencing it. There are endless possibilities, and this upcoming workshop is an opportunity to explore them. Go!

Calling all project leaders, teachers, facilitators, coaches, public engagement practitioners, non-profit board members, and others whose work involves empowering people to participate in groups, workplaces, and communities in a more dynamic and effective way!
We invite you to attend a professional development session where you will have the opportunity to: 
  • Reflect on your practices
  • Share dilemmas with colleagues
  • Get support on upcoming meeting designs
  • Storyboard events (past and future) to identify opportunities for more effectively employing the patterns of excellent group process
  • Integrate exemplary patterns into your professional life (and start to speak the shared “pattern language” of facilitation)
  • Engage with others who care about these things!
We’ll be using the deck Group Works: A Pattern Language for Bringing Life to Meetings and Other Gatherings as our lens. While familiarity with the deck will be helpful, it’s not essential — you’ll recognize the patterns from your own practice and pick it up quickly.
If you participated in the last workshop Group Pattern Language Project offered in BC, we expect this session will be sufficiently different to make it worth your while to join us again.  
When: Saturday May 24, 10:30am to 4:30pm. A simple soup/salad/bread lunch (vegan & gluten-free) will be provided.
Where: Cranberry Commons Cohousing, 4274 Albert St (at Madison just north of Hastings), Burnaby BC. 
Cost: Sliding scale $25-$150. 
Registration: Please register in advance so your hosts can plan appropriately; sign up at If you have any further questions contact Daniel Lindenberger at
Pre- and post-event Work Sessions: The day before and the day after the workshop we'll be hosting work sessions for those committed to supporting this work:  growing the language, articulating potential new applications, and promoting and nurturing the project. Some of the issues we’ll be exploring are developing curricula for self-guided study of how to use the cards,  new “e-versions” of Group Works, and outreach activities to spread the word. If you'd like to participate or learn more about this, please email Dave (
Led by: Sue Woerhlin, Daniel Lindenberger, & Tree Bressen. To learn more about them, check out the following:
Come participate! and let others know too: This should be a great networking and peer learning opportunity. Hope to see you there!  Please forward this invitation to other people you think might be interested in attending.  
—Daniel Lindenberger and Dave Pollard   Group Pattern Language Project

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Drawing on Walls: Opening Up Visual Practice Possibilities

YAY! Here's another visual facilitation workshop to look forward to! Nancy White is coming to the 2014 CNIE conference at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia to facilitate this one-day workshop and blow our minds with a fabulous keynote. :-)
CNIE Visual Facilitation
Image by Hilda Anggraeni
This one day experiential workshop takes place almost entirely at the drawing surface. We'll start by warming up our drawing muscles and silencing those pesky inner censors. We’ll build some basic drawing practices so we can release our minds and attention to how we can use them at the conference, in our work and any place! We will practise a few examples of participatory graphic facilitation activities. You can expect to go away with your own starter set of icons, ideas and approaches which you can use immediately, links to resources and communities of practice, and ideas about how to hone your practice.

The room is small but we can fit in a few more people so sign up! Guaranteed to be an excellent experience you'll never forget and you'll leave with buckets of ideas on how to apply these new colourful skills in your workplace.
Nancy and I are also facilitating a session with Alice MacGillivray called Making Space for Intellectual Estuaries. More about that later...