Cross posted from BCcampus News
Over the years individuals from institutions and organizations across British Columbia have taken Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) to the next level by participating in the Facilitator Development/Mentorship program and co-facilitating one or more of the FLO courses. If you are thinking about adopting FLO courses at your institution, these are the people who can help!
Post by Sylvia Currie, Manager, Learning + Teaching
Meet Sylvia Riessner

What got you started on this path to becoming a FLO facilitator and mentor?
I was part of a team at Yukon College supporting instructors to move to teach online and heard about a pilot workshop that modelled many of the powerful features of the well-known Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW). I participated in the pilot and was hooked!
I co-facilitated my first FLO workshop with Sylvia Currie in 2013 and discovered the “power of two” and the value of taking time to build community and integrate critical reflection in an online learning experience. After I moved to B.C., I went on to co-facilitate many other FLOs, FDO (FLO Facilitator Development), and contributed to the development of the curriculum. That’s what got me started, but what keeps me involved are the stories that are shared about the value of FLO courses for instructors and the positive impact on their confidence and skills in offering meaningful learning experiences online.
What experience and expertise do you bring to this new support role of helping others to adopt and/or facilitate FLO courses?
I’ve been a freelance educational developer for more than 25 years in B.C./Yukon and was an EdTech instructor at Yukon College for many years. I completed the Master of Educational Technology (MET) from UBC while working for Yukon College and have facilitated learning online and in blended modes since 2000 for a range of higher education and not-for-profit groups. My focus for the last few years has been on mentoring or co-facilitating with instructors who want to develop their online teaching confidence and skills.
How can people contact you?
Email me at sylviar at