Saturday, September 3, 2005

Students tackle MATH via fantasy football

An article in eSchool News online, reviewing the book Fantasy Football & Mathematics by veteran math instructor, Dan Flockhart.

"The amount of mathematics problems you can come up with is almost infinite," said Flockhart of his fantasy curriculum, which he's been beta-testing in classrooms since the mid-1990s. "Whatever we were working on at the time, it was reinforced by the game."

Flockhart's classroom version works much like other fantasy football programs available through Yahoo or a few instructional twists.

What makes fantasy football such a hit in the classroom? Flockhart says the answer is simple.

"Millions of students in the U.S. are not proficient in mathematics because the subject matter does not interest them, and they do not see the relationship between math at school and math in their personal lives," he said. "Fantasy Football and Mathematics makes connections between math in the classroom and math in the real world."

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