Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Facilitating Learning Online (FLO)

Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) continues to evolve and we're about the roll out the best workshop experience ever! This year we are moving to a cost-recovery model. This enables us to continue to develop FLO offerings, and support the brilliant facilitators and growing community.

Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) ​ 

When: 4 April - 6 May, 2016 Cost: $495 + GST

Facilitators: Sylvia Riessner and Beth Cougler Blom, with assistance from Facilitator Development Online (FDO) alumni.

What: FLO activities provide an authentic environment for faculty to learn about and practice skills related to facilitating learning.

More information: https://proflearn.bccampus.ca/workshops/flo/
Registration: https://events.docsol.sfu.ca/event-registration/?ee=1

1 comment:

  1. How is it that simply anybody can write a website and acquire as widespread as this? Its not like you've said something incredibly spectacular?more like you've painted a reasonably picture over a difficulty that you simply recognize nothing concerning I don’t want to sound mean, here but do you really suppose that you can escape with adding some pretty pictures and not really say anything?
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