Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Networks and Communities: Learning Where It Happens

To prepare for this talk I called upon my own learning network to respond to the question: In the context of communities and networks, what comes to mind when see this phrase:

Learning where it happens

I posted this to my blog, Facebook, Twitter, SCoPE, and CPsquare community. The responses were very playful and creative, so THANK YOU to everyone who contributed.

AVACO officeI also listened to the stories from educators, academic developers, and educational technologists in Colombia. The common theme was that there remains a transmissive approach to teaching and learning. However, there are some excellent examples of innovation and enthusiasm for advancing pedagogical practices. The activities and support organized through Universidad de Ibague virtual education support centre (ÁVACO) are clearly making a difference.
photo by Monica Leguizamón

So in this talk I attempted to weave personal stories, wisdom from members of my learning communities and networks, historical evidence of persistence in traditional pedagogy, snippets from BCcampus communities of practice, examples of innovation from outside the education sector, and situated learning theory.

Special thanks to ÁVACO staff for the invitation, the warm welcome, and for helping me to prepare by giving feedback and translating slides. It was a fantastic experience that I'll never forget!

In my next blog post I'll write a more detailed account of my experience in Ibague.

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