Monday, March 28, 2011

CanadaMoot 2011

Getting ready for CanadaMoot 2011! A "moot" is a conference dedicated to Moodle users, developers and administrators. I've been using Moodle since summer, 2003 so I was probably pretty close to being one of the 2500 downloads the first week after version 1.0.9 was released. With founder Martin Dougiamas' help, we got Moodle up and running at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, complete with an institutional theme, course shells and training for faculty, in just the few weeks leading up to the start of the 2003 semester. Exciting times!

This is where most of my Moodle work has been centred:
When I went digging back in past Moodle presentations and workshops I've facilitated, I found quite a few! Looking through this list brought back some great memories.

Moodle Moot - April, 2009
  • "SCoPE - An open, online community for people like you"
  • "How we do what we did" with Jill Calliou, Randy LaBonte, and Frances Long
  • "University of Manitoba: Moodle for conferences and massive open online courses"
  • Coordinator and Moderator: "Showcasing Saskatchewan and Manitoba" with Patricia Yeske, Delise Fathers, and Rob Wall
  • Moderator: "Finishing the Moodle Canvas - Encouraging Greater Usability" with Scott Tearle
  • Moderator: "Moodle Theming Workshop" with Julian Ridden Long Live the Platform Conference, January 11 - February 1, 2008
  • Moodle Platform Spokesperson and Support
BCcampus Educational Technology Users Group Spring Workshop May, 2007
Moodlemoot May, 2007
BCcampus Educational Technology Users Group Spring Workshop, 2005 Merritt, British Columbia
  • Workshop: "Build a Course in Moodle", with G. Bennett, H. Jackson, F. Long, S. Cooper, S. Morrison
Adult Basic Education Association of British Columbia Conference, May 2005, Celebrating Heritage, Culture and Education, Merritt, British Columbia
  • Presentation: "Implementing Moodle at an Aboriginal College", with D. Gambler
BCcampus Educational Technology User Group Fall Workshop, 2004 Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Presentation: "Why Moodle?", with D. Gambler and C. Littlewood
This year I won't be attending the Moodle Moot in person but I'm still involved in a variety of ways:
  • Sharing the responsibility to keep the Moot twitter feed active
  • Designing and coordinating a 3-week Moodle 2.0 Workshop (free, open to all) April 18-May 13, with a one-week break May 2-6). More information about this soon!
  • Online presentation: Facilitating in the Open
    Description: The increase in opportunities for educational practitioners to participate in open, online workshops, courses, and events, calls for a unique set of skills and considerations for facilitators. This session will focus on examples of facilitation using Moodle among the mix of social networking tools to support a variety of open learning activities.
Also, once again my employer BCcampus is a sponsor partner for the Canada Moot 2011.

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