(This is cross-posted in the
SCoPE community )
MicroSCoPE: A Close Look at What's Happening in the SCoPE Community
August, 2010
In This Issue
1. Starts tomorrow! Humanizing the Online Experience 2
2. Professional Learning Series
3. Mark Your Calendars
4. Activity Recap
5. Collaborating Partnerships
6. PeriSCoPE
7. About SCoPE
8. About MicroSCoPE
1. Starts tomorrow!
Humanizing the Online Experience 2
September 13 - 30, 2010
Video Conferences each Monday: September 13, 20, 27 at 18:00 GMT
Facilitator: Jesai Jayhmes
Expect to roll up your sleeves in this seminar as we explore the use of video to make our courses engaging and interactive. We kick off the week tomorrow with a CoroCall high-quality video conference. Thanks to the great folks at Coroware.com for making that possible!
eCampusAlberta Online Curriculum Development: Course Overview & Directions
September 14, 20:30 GMT
Facilitator: Randy LaBonte
Join us online via Elluminate for a profile of upcoming courses funded under eCampusAlberta’s Online Curriculum Development Fund. Learn what new courses will be available, development plans of the successful recipients, and join in a discussion about design principles and quality in online learning. This session is part of the Professional Learning Series organized by BCcampus, eCampusAlberta, and Alberta North.
3. Mark Your Calendars
*Educational Uses of iPads, facilitated by Brent Lee: October 18 - 29, 2010
upcoming seminars for updates to the seminar schedule.
4. Activity Recap
* For the August Quarterly Field Trip, organized in partnership with
CPSquare, Jonny Morris took us on a tour of
Healthy Minds / Healthy Campuses, a community of practice to promote campus mental health in British Columbia.
* We launched the academic year with our annual
Reflections and Next Steps gathering for SCoPE members to reflect and plan for the future. As usual, SCoPE members have a lot of great ideas for enhancing the community!
Past SCoPE seminar discussions are always available for reading and afterthoughts.
Collaborating Partnerships
SCoPE forms collaborating partnerships with many organizations to implement and promote community activities and products. This month
CoroWare is offering their video conferencing services for the Humanizing the Online Experience seminar.
6. PeriSCoPE
* The
Personal Learning Environments course begins this week! This open course is a joint venture between the National Research Council of Canada, The Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University and the University of Prince Edward Island.
* Glenn Groulx is offering a
3-part series on EduBlogging. The first in the series is scheduled for September 23, 2010, 19:00 GMT
* The deadline for the
Call for Proposals for the Electronic Village Online 2011 is September 25, 2010
Taking OER beyond the OER Community is a free, online seminar series to raise awareness and promote informed discussion and debate.
23 – 29 September Taking OER beyond the OER Community: Policy and Capacity
20 - 26 October What works, what does not and under what conditions?
10 - 16 November Copyright and the development and re-use of OER
* Several SCoPE members have published chapters in the Athabasca University Press publication:
Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, edited by George Veletsianos
* The next 3 themes for Transformative Dialogues are listed on the
Call for Submission page. A variety of digital formats are encouraged.
In Education a peer-reviewed, open access journal, is looking for quality papers for consideration for the Spring 2011 issue.
* The next
CIDER Session is Implementing Digital Story Telling in a Computers in Education Course, October 7, 2010. CIDER sessions are targeted at distance education researchers, graduate students, and practitioners. Each session features an active researcher talking about their project, methodologies used, and their results.
7. About SCoPE
SCoPE brings together individuals who share an interest in educational research and practice, and offers opportunities for dialogue across disciplines, geographical borders, professions, levels of expertise, and education sectors. Our activities are facilitated by volunteers in the community, and membership is free and open to everyone.
SCoPE forms
collaborating partnerships with many organizations to implement and promote community activities and products. This is a mutual exchange of support and services.
Self-register at
* Join the
SCoPE group at Linkedin to connect with others who are interested in employment in
education or in connecting professionally on projects, follow
SCoPE on Twitter and check out the
SCoPE Facebook group and
page to keep in the loop.
* We gather our seminar resources
in Diigo.
8. About MicroSCoPE
SCoPE members receive MicroSCoPE issues automatically. If you prefer to read MicroSCoPE on the website or via RSS, login to SCoPE and manage your subscription here:
MicroSCoPE is prepared by Sylvia Currie (
Please spread the word about SCoPE activities. Distribute this newsletter!